British Values


The DfE have recently reinforced the need “to create and enforce a clear and rigorous expectation on all schools to promote the fundamental British values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty and mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs.”

At Galleywood Infant School these link very closely to the culture and ethos of our school and to the values we promote through the wider curriculum.

Remembrance Day is commemorated annually. Significant National events such as the Royal wedding of the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge, the birth of Prince George and the Golden Jubilee were all celebrated in school. Within our curriculum children learn about the lives of some significant people and events in British history.


All children are treated fairly and have an equal right to express their views and be listened to. Pupils have the opportunity to have their voices heard through our School Council and Pupil Questionnaires. School Council representatives are elected democratically by their classmates in a ballot which introduces them to the principal of democratic elections. In successive years our demountable classroom has been used for polling, leading to questions and discussion about the voting process.


Our school rules are consistently reinforced in all parts of the school, in lessons as well as when dealing with behaviour and through school assemblies. Children are taught the reasons behind our 3 school rules, and the consequences for the safety and wellbeing of themselves and for others if rules are not kept.


There are many opportunities within the school day for children to make choices and exercise their personal freedom. Boundaries are set clearly and reinforced consistently to ensure the school is a safe environment. Children are supported and encouraged to manage their own behaviour and make good choices. Through assemblies and PSHE children learn about their personal freedoms and take part in discussions about how to exercise these safely, for example through e-safety, road safety. Children have opportunities to make choices in their learning, choose from a range of staff led clubs and choose playtime activities.


Children enjoy lessons and are active learners who display good behaviour because they understand the right of all children to learn and thrive in an atmosphere of mutual respect. The school promotes respect for others and this is reiterated through our Behaviour Policy and school rules. Children take part in Circle Time discussions when they are expected to treat the opinions and views of others with respect, even if they differ from their own. Adults in school model mutual respect in their conversations and actions towards the children and towards one another.


From their first day in school children are supported to develop the language to express their views, emotions and feelings so that children are able to negotiate with their peers and resolve any disagreements peacefully. We actively seek opportunities through our school curriculum to enhance pupils’ understanding of their place in a culturally diverse society and have strong links with a school in The Gambia. Assemblies and discussions involving prejudice and bullying are being followed and link with learning in RE and PSHE. We introduce children in all classes to P4C, where they are encouraged to take part in discussions, justify and sometimes change their opinions, give reasons for their viewpoint and listen to those of others.

Galleywood Infant School
Barnard Road


01245 472686

Headteacher - Sarah Manning
SENCO - Kelly Fennell
Chair of Governors - Mrs J Gould